Thursday, July 21, 2022

Going with my best friend’s church - Jonni Robinson

 This was my first mission trip and it wasn’t even with my church but with my best friends church. Sure, I have been to a few functions with them before, but I never really held a conversation with them. At first I was going to bail at the last minute. I don’t know why, I just was not ready and I thought it would be weird and I would be uncomfortable because I wasn’t really close with any of this church, but I did decide to come for the sake of being forced and staying friends with Morgan. While on the trip, I learned so much about myself and others and how to do simple everyday tasks like painting a house, cleaning the toilet and doing the dishes. Before this trip I knew really nothing about the people in this church but now I feel like I have bonded and have grown closer to them. I learned to be more reasonable and really broke out of my shell and became louder and confident. At the service sites, I got to meet so many amazing people and hear their life changing stories and how cool their life was and the hardships they had overcome. For instance, this guy named David went to China and smuggled bibles in because it’s illegal to have a Bible there. He talked about how he got caught in the process by security and he spoke to God and asked to let him get away with what he had left and he said hours after interrogation he was let go with what he had on his body which was only a few bibles. I thought it was so cool how he had that adventure and how God helped him. He also speaks 19 different languages. Through this all, I thought it would go a lot worse but it went a little too well. I’m proud of what I did to help out and got the chance to come. I’m glad I didn’t skip and should definitely come on the next one.

1 comment:

  1. So happy you decided to go!! Really sounds like an amazing experience for you and those around you!
