Tuesday, July 17, 2018

My Plan - Keziah

This mission trip has been an ordeal. I learned about service and people. My group served at San Diego Rescue Mission, a thrift store that provided help for people coming out of tough situations and Brighton Place, a nursing home. Both places were great experiences but in different areas.

The Rescue Mission was work behind the scenes. All the sorting would help the organization function but it wouldn't directly impact a person then and there. Brighton Place, on the other hand, wanted companionship for it's residents. Coming and speaking to the people affected their lives in the present. I liked the contract and the way I could serve in a variety of ways and still make a difference.

The people I met on this trip truly affected the way I view people in service. At the Rescue Mission, the managers Cisco and Iris had been working there for many years. Iris had been there for 23 years. She was up in her years and used a cane to walk but she continued to serve. She dedicated great time and passion. Cisco was the same way. He loved the people that came through. He loved his work.

The Youthworks staff impacted me through their varied personalities but their common thread of service. They gave up so much to deal with rowdy teens and stressed youth leaders for the summer, but they did it with joy.

Side tracking a little here. I appreciated the journey of one of the staff named Junior. Junior came into college expecting to be a worship leader. He loved music and had a wonderful voice and guitar skills. After a while in college, however, he realized God was calling him to do something else. Junior switched out of his major to be a psychology major. Social work was his calling.

I felt confused that God would take a person out of doing his work directly to do social work. Music had felt so right for Junior. It just seemed perfect, but God thought otherwise. I resonated with this because I have my life planned out. I have steps and goals set up for success and I don't like it when I can't do my plan. I felt like Junior's story showed that maybe when things seem perfect, God can give me a totally out of sync plan that's a million times better.

Back on track.

The people we served at the nursing home made me sad. We met people who were confused about their whole lives. They felt lost or forgetful. One of the people I met made me happy sad. This woman was named Wen. She had a horrible past of abuse and drug use. She never knew God until at the hospital she received a Bible and found God. After that, her world was changed. Even at the nursing home she was being a missionary. Wen had originally approached me asking whether I knew who Jesus was. Wen handed out Bibles at Brighton Place just like the way she received a Bible at the hospital. She was a missionary in a way this mission trip didn't facilitate. She was a missionary at home.

Overall this trip help a list of lessons. It was a good time and I hope I'll remember all the people and experiences and use it all to grow my faith.

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