Sunday, July 17, 2016

Those preconceived notions - by Scott

This trip has already challenged my preconceived notion of what a mission trip is “supposed” to be. I consider myself to be a bit of an old pro at this, as this is my fifth trip. But God sure has a way of messing with you when He knows you need messin’ with.

I fully expected the long drive to be a hardship, especially after having been feeling really physically poorly the week prior. However, the trip here was surprisingly smooth; no one really freaked out, no one got alarmingly sick, no one complained very much and I felt pretty comfortable behind the wheel the whole way here to Minneapolis. Heck, it was positively luxurious staying the first night in Bozeman at the First Lutheran (who would have thought the first Lutheran church in America was founded in Bozeman Montana?), with our own house and three showers to use!  

I knew we were bringing an unusual mix of “veteran” and first timer youth and my concern was they would have difficulties accepting and encouraging each other. Guess that’s what I get for thinking instead of trusting God. On the whole they have been amazing kind and accepting of each other and the leaders and are showing great maturity.

But what has surprised me most is the number of youth that have brought huge burdens with them on this trip. It hurts my heart to see so many young people baring such pain, worry, sorrow and care. And it lifts my heart that they are still here and ready to show Jesus’ love to others.

My hope and prayer is, over the course of this journey, we as a group, will be able to bond enough to share our burdens and ease them together. That we will discover our differences are a lot less than we think and our pain and fears are a lot more similar. I believe we are on that path.

Think about us, remember how valuable these people are to you and to our church family and most of all, pray for us. And when we get back PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE show you care. TALK to these amazing young people, ASK them about this trip and ENCOURAGE then to continue the good works they have begun here.


  1. Love hearing your words! I pray for bonding, sharing, serving hearts, and that God continues to mess with everyone!

  2. Love hearing your words! I pray for bonding, sharing, serving hearts, and that God continues to mess with everyone!

  3. Praying for smooth sailing over the troubled waters, Scott! You are a blessing to this group!!
