Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Photos from Tuesday (Part 1)

Repacking non-perishable food items into bags to hand out to kids that attended our Sidewalk Sunday School today.

Bags of food to be handed out to kids and their parents at Sidewalk Sunday School.

Pear/whipped cream eating contest. Kids won small prizes for games they played.

The puppet theater was used for song time and to help share bible stories.

Songs are sung with words provided.

Grant hanging out with one of his new friends

The kids listening to Pastor Mark (one of the leaders from the TX group) tell stories about Jesus.

Britney holding the sign for another song we sang.

Some of the kids listening in. They were so thirsty to hear the stories about Jesus!

More puppet theater and songs.

Grant as "Buster"

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures Tim, they really help me feel connected to the trip. Keep 'em coming!
