Reflecting on the mission trip, what
really impacted me was how much saw the Holy Spirit at work throughout the
week. I have never been so aware of the beauty of how Christ’s spirit is not
only everywhere, but works within myself and within others. In Denver this
year, I went to a lot of small organizations that do incredible things for the
community. Some of them function with few workers and little funding, but they
have such a strong faith that God will provide which amazed me. It made me
realize that they wouldn’t even be able to do the great things they do if it
wasn’t for God being active within the world.
This week one thing we focused on in
our devotions is how God is always with us. Although that can be a scary
thought, it’s miraculous how His spirit is with me to remind me and teach me
the right things to do for eternity. I found myself coming out of my comfort
zone even more than I have on the past few mission trips. When I heard we were
going to work at an Alzheimer’s home and visit with the elderly there, I was
nervous and I didn’t know how I was going to be able to be a service of comfort
to them. I was scared because I had never worked in such a situation with
people going through what they were going through, and I didn’t know if I would
be able to think of anything to say. However, as I walked in the door and sat
down with two woman named Peggy and Doris, I found that God gave me the words
to say. This made me be able to make a good connection with them. The Holy
Spirit was working within me, without me even recognizing His presence till
after I had to say my goodbyes to the two of them. Knowing this gave me
strength throughout the week to demonstrate like Jesus and continue to try and
do things that made me uncomfortable.
Coming to understand the Holy Spirit
and His significance made me appreciate how much I have grown in faith and in
being myself because of Him. I have come to realize that there have been
barriers in my life that have been stopping me from seeing the greatness of
Gods spirit and loving Him to the fullest of my ability. I let worries,
technology, fear, and my comfort zone blind me from putting my focus on His
love. Being away from those distractions allowed me to feel the immensity of
Gods compassion, the presence of his Holy Spirit, and pushed me to follow
Jesus’s demonstration of how to service myself from His example of living. I
hope I can continue this state of mind as I return home, it doesn’t end here. I
need to not only continue to serve, but to be conscious that God, and the Holy
Spirit, is always with me to remind me of the importance of His love.
Hayley your spirit and grace amaze me. God has big plans for you and I can't wait to see what they are!!! I am very proud of you!!